
134 milliards de dollars - le mystère continue !


I. 134 milliards de dollars (8 juin)

II. 134 milliards de dollars - suite (10 juin)

III. 134 milliards de dollars - trop gros pour être faux (14 juin)

IV. 134 milliards de dollars - les mystères de l'information (16 juin)

V. 134 milliards de dollars - les comptes ne tournent pas rond ! (24 juin)

VI. 134 milliards de dollars - le mystère continue ! (30 juin)

VII. 134 milliards de dollars - Hal Turner (4 juillet)

VIII. 134 milliards de dollars - Dragon Family (6 juillet)

IX. 134 milliards de dollars - Ordre exécutif 11110 (15 juillet)

X. 134 milliards de dollars - Interrogation parlementaire (3 août)

Résumé de l'affaire (5 septembre)

XI. 134 milliards de dollars - Autre saisie ! (18 septembre)

XII. Nouvelle série : 180 milliards de dollars (19 septembre)

XIII. 314,5 milliards de dollars : la piste russe ! (21 septembre)

XIV. xyz ... milliards de dollars : conférence de presse (22 septembre)

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AsiaNews vient de publier une mise à jour (IT) (EN) intitulée « Tout porte à croire que les titres américains saisis à Chiasso sont authentiques ! »

Donc avant de rédiger ce billet, permettez-moi de reprendre le post-scriptum de mon précédent billet sur la crédibilité d'AsiaNews :
site géré par père Bernardo Cervellera, missionnaire de l'Institut Pontifical des Missions Étrangères, ex-directeur de Fides (1997-2002), l’agence de presse du Vatican, qui a vécu à Pékin et collabore actuellement au quotidien «Avvenire» et intervient comme expert de politique internationale dans des émissions télé de premier plan...

Une source reconnue, dont l'intégrité est difficile à mettre en cause !
Ceci étant précisé, voyons ce que nous dit ce nouvel article.

1. D'abord il revient sur les déclarations du porte-parole du Trésor américain, Meyerhardt, et du porte-parole de la CIA, Darrin Blackford, qui ont affirmé que les titres étaient faux, tout en s'interrogeant sur la façon dont la CIA est parvenue à cette conclusion (via Internet ?), puisque selon les sources officielles italiennes, la commission d'experts américains attendue en Italie doit encore arriver...

Il précise également que les titres étaient accompagnés d'une documentation bancaire récente et ORIGINALE, et se demande par conséquent comment les autorités américaines peuvent établir que cette documentation aussi est fausse, dès lors qu'elle ne provient ni de la Fed ni du Trésor des États-Unis ?

2. Il insiste ensuite sur l'incarcération d'Hal Turner, qui fut le premier à indiquer - dès le 20 juin - que les titres étaient en possession de deux employés du Ministère japonais des Finances, et que d'après les numéros de série, les 134,5 milliards $ faisaient partie des 686 milliards $ de la dette U.S. officiellement détenue par le Japon. Il annonçait par ailleurs que dans les jours suivants il aurait été en mesure de communiquer les numéros de série pour prouver leur authenticité (TRN has been told to expect to receive serial numbers from the bonds as proof they are real. In addition, our source claims he can obtain scanned images of some of those bonds as well. If we are given such information or images, we will report them publicly.)

Or le 24 juin Hal Turner, personnage fortement controversé, a été incarcéré, apparemment pour des menaces qu'il aurait précédemment proférées contre des juges...

AsiaNews, sans se prononcer sur la crédibilité des infos relatées par Turner, remarque cependant qu'il fut en son temps à l'origine de révélations sur l'amero :

Voir ici des pièces de monnaie et là des billets, quand bien même tout ceci fut dénoncé comme une "conspiration", mais le fait qu'un particulier puisse frapper de telles monnaies reste pour le moins curieux. Un événement toujours en rapport avec le dollar, ceci dit.

AsiaNews poursuit en racontant le coup de fil que Turner a passé depuis la prison, dans lequel il déclare que ce n'est pas lui qui est à l'origine des menaces contre les juges, et que son arrestation est clairement de nature politique, liée à la saisie des titres à Chiasso, les autorités craignant qu'il ne puisse faire d'autres révélations sur leur authenticité ! En attendant son blog et son site ne sont plus en ligne, seule une version cache de l'info est encore disponible...

AsiaNews observe donc que la coïncidence temporelle et les détails de l'incarcération font naître quelques soupçons sur les motifs réels des américains.

Il est également curieux de constater que la révélation de Turner - qu'il a été le SEUL à faire - sur les connexions entre les deux japonais et le Ministère japonais des Finances a été corroborée à quelques jours de distance À PARTIR D'AUTRES SOURCES, d'abord par AsiaNews puis par deux journaux économiques aussi sérieux qu'Italia Oggi et Milano Finanza...

3. AsiaNews termine enfin en revenant sur les fameux titres Kennedy d'1 milliard $ l'un, pour lesquels il précise qu'il ne s'agit pas de Bonds mais de Treasury Notes, et que selon des sources confidentielles généralement bien informées, ce type de billets de trésorerie a bien été émis en 1998, même si cela ne veut pas dire que les billets saisis soient authentiques.

Tout en observant que le fait qu'ils ne soient pas du domaine public tend à exclure qu'ils puissent avoir été contrefaits, puisque cela n'aurait aucun sens pour un faussaire de reproduire des billets qui ne sont pas en circulation et dont personne n'est au courant.

J'ajouterai que lors des nombreuses recherches que je mène sur le sujet depuis trois semaines maintenant, j'ai plusieurs fois rencontré les commentaires d'un certain "wheel", qui semblent recouper, là encore, l'info d'AsiaNews selon laquelle, contrairement aux affirmations de Meyerhardt (no such securities exist), les T-Notes Kennedy existeraient bel et bien :
I believe they made big mistakes with the 1934 dates and Kennedy Bonds of course. To be totally correct you must know that the Kennedy Bonds were issued in 1998 in lieu of paying interest on the Gold Coin owned by the Dragon Family in the Federal Reserve. Believe that the Kennedy Bonds are real but just not those. There are many other financial instruments issued by the U.S. Treasury that you do not know of as well. This is all I can say. Best Wishes

Wheel says:

6/19/2009 at 1:23 pm

Brendan they had issuance dates of 1934…Kennedy waa a baby.. Impossible to be so. But the fact of the matter is that Kennedy Bonds exist and much much more than the 134 Billion you are reading about. If the Family that owns the Kennedy bonds wanted to harm us they could have at any time during the past 70 plus years. It is not a government but works with the upper echelons of the powerful governments that exist today. We are not supposed to know any of this.
J'ignore qui est cette personne et quelles sont ses sources, mais la date correspond (1998) et le ton péremptoire n'est pas exactement celui de quelqu'un qui parle sans savoir !

Allez savoir...

[MàJ - 1er juillet 2009] J'ai découvert aujourd'hui cette vidéo (en italien) de Giulietto Chiesa, journaliste et député européen, qui s'interroge sur les mystères de cette saisie :

Lui non plus ne se satisfait pas des déclarations américaines "officielles"...

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P.S. Anecdote : en rédigeant ce billet, je me suis aperçu que le logo conçu pour l'amero était exactement le même que celui que j'avais créé pour Adscriptor en 2006 !!!

Comme quoi j'étais bien prédestiné à parler de cette histoire :-)

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Seo important for make money with adsense

Seo is one of the most important thing that you should do, with out search engine optimization we couldn't get free traffic from search engine. here are 5 way to optimize you keyword. :

1. Keyword Selection for your website. Example Term: Hosting
The first step to successful SEO is always keyword research. Without it, you are like a bull in a china store. Bob and Jane are a loving couple who own a web hosting business and would like to do much better on google. Bob says they should optimize their site for the word "hosting" because According to Overture there are 1,426,822 searches bi-monthly for the word this word.

2. Use your selected keywords in your website.
Use your keyword to use anywhere you can. But don't let the keyword density get too high or your site may become over-optimized. 5% is usually okay. Use the keywords in tags, heading tags, etc...

3. Website Relationships
Like the loving couple Jane and Bob, your website needs a loving partner too. It's time to step away from the cheap "link building" campaigns. Google is now looking at how good a link is by calculating how long website visitors stay whilst at a link. It's time to start building solid business relationships with other websites.

4. Content is King:
Write relevant, interesting content for your website. Write some stories, articles, anything. Try for one new content page a week, more if you have time. Employ someone if you need to.

5. Use experts for your Hosting, SEO and Relationship building:
A wise entrepreneur once said that their key to success was to "ask questions". That means, don't be afraid to get help. Don't be afraid to use services that can get you to the top. The difficulty is that the Golden 5 steps can only get you so far. There are 1000's of factors that effect your website ranking.

by following seo contest like seo contest in indonesia with keyword rusli zainal sang visioner is good way learn how to do SEO.

Sarkozy a-t-il été l'avocat de Berlusconi ?

La réponse à cette question posée par l'ami Ail & Oignon est OUI !

Sarkozy, ou le cabinet dont Nicolas Sarkozy était associé, a bien défendu les intérêts de Silvio Berlusconi et de Jean-Luc Lagardère contre ... Jacques Chirac, à l'époque de La Cinq, sans parvenir à "dénouer l'affaire".

Rue89 en parlait dans ce billet, en relatant un article du Temps :
Nicolas Sarkozy a été, dans les années 1980, l'avocat de Silvio Berlusconi. (…) Comme le souligne le Corriere della Sera, il défendait les intérêts de l'empire médiatique du Transalpin dans le long contentieux qui opposait La Cinq, achetée par le Cavaliere, au gouvernement français, puis aux partenaires français de la chaîne de télévision. Le groupe d'avocats dont faisait partie Nicolas Sarkozy pour défendre le magnat italien n'était pas parvenu à dénouer l'affaire. Le litige avait nécessité un arbitrage suisse.
En effet, l'affaire était compliquée, comme le montre la chronologie des événements :
20 février 1986 : naissance. Silvio Berlusconi et Jérôme Seydoux, PDG des chargeurs réunis. LA CINQ, première chaîne française privée et gratuite. Le temps des paillettes italiennes; Amanda Lear, Alain Gillot-Pétré, Christian Morin, Roger Zabel.

3 février 1987 : La concession est résiliée par le gouvernement de Jacques Chirac.

23 février 1987 : Robert Hersant et Silvio Berlusconi aux commandes de LA CINQ. "cinq you la cinq". Sébastien, Sabatier, Collaro et Bouvard : un petit tour et puis s'en vont.

14 septembre 1987 : Premier journal télévisé sur LA CINQ. LA CINQ c'est "tous les soirs un film".

23 octobre 1990 : Le CSA accepte la modification du capital. Le groupe Hachette devient opérateur. Yves Sabouret nommé PDG. Robert Hersant : "les meilleurs moments en télévision; c'est quand on obtient une chaîne… Et quand on s'en retire. Jean Luc Lagardère : "Et moi je dis, Hachette va sauver LA CINQ".


31 décembre 1991 : 10 heures. Dépôt de bilan. LA CINQ version Hachette aura durée 420 jours. Angelo Codignoni (représentant de Silvio Berlusconi) : "A partir de ce moment, nous réflechissons pour voir s'il y a encore des possibilités que LA CINQ ne disparaisse pas des écrans français."

03 janvier 1992 : Maître Hubert Lafont est nommé administrateur judiciaire par le tribunal de commerce. Hubert Lafont :"Il n'est pas possible de dire aujourd'hui quelle sera l'issue de cette affaire." Jean-Claude Bourret crée l'association de défense de LA CINQ; 40 000 adhésions en trois jours.

09 janvier 1992 : 100 000 adhérents à l'association de défense.

15 janvier 1992 : Silvio Berlusconi annonce qu'il peut sauver LA CINQ "dans le respect de la réglementation." Charles Pasqua envisage d'associer les collectivités locales au capital de LA CINQ. Charles Pasqua :" je ne réclame ni la présidence de la chaîne, ni le poste de présentateur."

20 janvier 1992 : TF1, CANAL + et M6 annoncent un projet de chaîne d'information continue pour remplacer LA CINQ.

23 janvier 1992 : 500 000 adhérents à l'association de défense de LA CINQ.

25 janvier 1992 : LA CINQ et son personnel reçoivent le prix "Europe et Liberté 1992" pour récompenser le combat mené par la chaîne pour la pluralité.

03 février 1992 : Silvio Berlusconi dépose officiellement son projet de reprise de LA CINQ. Il envisage une augmentation de capital de 1,5 milliard et le maintient de 600 emplois sur 900. Silvio Berlusconi :"Nous avons quelques idées."

24 février 1992 : 800 000 adhérents à l'association de défense de LA CINQ.

02 avril 1992 : Silvio Berlusconi annonce le retrait de son plan de sauvetage de LA CINQ. Le magnat italien ne peut pas lutter contre les pressions exercées par le gouvernement, par différents hommes politiques et les hautes sphères institutionnelles. Ces derniers ne veulent pas de Berlusconi à la tête d'une chaîne de télévision française. Tout est fait pour l'empêcher de sauver LA CINQ.

12 avril 1992 à 24 h 00 : LA CINQ cesse définitivement de vivre. La cinquième chaîne de télévision française, première chaîne privée et gratuite en France, est morte en direct sous les yeux de plusieurs millions de téléspectateurs.
L'Humanité nous donne davantage de détails :
Si une cession - demandée un temps par Berlusconi - rendrait caduque l’autorisation d’émettre (les fréquences sont incessibles), la continuation signifie une reprise du lourd passif (1,4 milliard de francs). Mais Berlusconi a aussi de bonnes raisons de ne pas laisser « filer » : il détient encore 25% du capital de la chaîne et, surtout, il a vendu ces trois dernières années à La 5, avec ses stocks milanais, pour environ 80 millions de dollars de programmes !


La solution de Berlusconi n’exclut ni un partenariat avec Charles Pasqua et les « collectivités locales » par le biais d’une société d’économie mixte, ni avec Hachette, réduit à un rôle d’actionnaire minoritaire. Berlusconi doit, en effet, trouver des partenaires. La rumeur cite l’Allemand Leo Kirch, associé à Berlusconi et… à TF1 dans la société de production Tricom, ou la ONCE, association des aveugles espagnols gérant La 5 madrilène avec… Berlusconi. Un entrecroisement d’intérêts privés d’où pourrait bien surgir la nouvelle 5. Pourquoi pas, Hachette se demandent certains ?
En réalité, l'affaire était éminemment politique et Jacques Chirac n'a jamais eu l'intention d'offrir une chaîne au "marchand de soupes" :
Lorsque Jacques Chirac boute Silvio Berlusconi hors de France, lui et sa chaîne télé la Cinq, en 1990, il traite l’entrepreneur italien de "marchand de soupes". Mais il a tort : Il Cavaliere n’est pas seulement un vulgaire politicien corrompu et cupide, c’est aussi et surtout un stratège malin et populaire en Italie malgré les affaires qui le poursuivent. L’incarnation parfaite du Prince de Machiavel. L’homme le plus riche de son pays n’a en effet jamais lésiné sur les moyens pour justifier ses fins. Toute sa carrière est entachée de mystères financiers.
Qui a écrit ça ne croyait pas si bien dire...

Une récente interview de Tarak Ben Ammar en Italie précise :
En France, Chirac ne l’a pas voulu, puisque son gouvernement a exercé des pressions sur son ami Lagardère pour empêcher que Berlusconi ne puisse prendre le contrôle de la Cinq.

In Francia Chirac non l’ha voluto: il governo di Chirac fece pressioni sul suo amico Lagardère, pur di non lasciar prendere il controllo della Cinq a Berlusconi.

Donc, cinq you la cinq, et merci Chirac de nous avoir sauvés de la cata en évitant que Berlusconi ne s'implante en France !

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P.S. J'observe, en marge de ce billet, que Pasqua a toujours aimé le Ricard, et la soupe...

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Mettre son site sur Google

Pour publier son site ou sa page web sur le moteur de recherche de Google, vous devez écrire l'adresse URL de votre site sur cette page:

Faire profit avec Google Adsense.

Certaine personne disent gagner plus de 1000$ par mois avec les revenu adsense juste en affichant de la publicité sur leur site web.

En effet, Google Adsense offre la possibilité de mettre de la publicité Google sur plusieurs site comme par exemple les blog.

Le site blogger est un site très facile d'utilisation qui permet de créer son propre blog gratuitement et il offre aussi l'option d'afficher des publicités Google sans avoir à connaitre les codes HTML.

Avant tout, vous devez vous inscrire au programme Adsense sur le site de Google.
Puis, placer les annonces aux endroits stratégiques sur votre site pour que les internaute clique sur le publicité.

Certaine choses à éviter lorsque l'on utilise Adsense.
-Ne pas mettre de publicité Adsense sur des pages au contenue
illégal ou illicite.
-Ne pas les placez dans les fenêtres popup.
Ne pas mettre les marques de Google ni les logos sur votre page web.
-Ne pas cliquer sur les annonces de votre propre site.
Ne pas demandez à quelqu'un que vous connaissez de cliquer dessus.
-Ne pas communiquer publiquement vos revenu Adsense


Adsense : trucs et astuces

Assurer vous que vos annonces soient visibles

Ne mettez pas vos annonces au bas de la page, mettez les en haut afin qu'ils soient vues. Près dela barre de navigation si possible.

Où positionner les annonces Google AdSense
Ce schéma indique
où positionner les annonces Google AdSense. Les zone orange foncé sont les endroits les plus stratégique où les positionner.

Ne pas mettre des annonces dans les pages vides.

Éviter de
placer vos annonces Google dans des pages sans contenu Google ne saurait pas quelles annonces insérer.

Préservez votre contenu et augmentez-le.

Utilisez Adsense comme complément à vos pages. Un bon contenu apportera des visiteurs, mais un pauvre contenu avec plein d'annonces fera fuir les visiteurs.


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Payments Guide

Payments Guide


Are you wondering when your AdSense payment will arrive? Trying to figure out whether you'll be paid this month, or next month? We've put together this guide to explain our payment process - from the five critical steps to setting up your account, to an overview of the life of a payment, everything you need to know is here.

  1. 5 Steps to Getting Paid
  2. Tracking Earnings
  3. Payment Timelines or, "When am I paid?"
  4. Holding Payments
5 Steps to getting paid
You must complete all the steps below to get your account set for your first AdSense payment. Keep in mind that your earnings will need to reach the appropriate thresholds before you can provide your tax details, select a payment method, and enter your PIN or phone verification number.

1. Check your address

Since payments and Personal Identification Numbers, which we'll describe below, are sent to the mailing address in your account, it's important to confirm the accuracy of your payment address and payee name. Keep in mind, especially, that checks and Western Union payments are made out to the payee name exactly as entered in your account.

If you need to correct any information, follow the instructions in our Help Center.

2. Provide your tax information

Depending on your location, we may be required to collect tax-related information from you. If you're required to provide tax information, you can do so on the Tax Information page, under the My Account tab. Our interface will help guide you to the appropriate forms and requirements for your particular situation.

Go to your Tax Information page now

3. Select your payment method

Depending on your payment address, there may be a number of payment options available to you, including checks, Electronic Funds Transfer, and Western Union Quick Cash. The easiest way to find out your payment options is to visit your Account Settings page and click the Payment Information [edit] link.

If you're already an approved publisher, choose your payment method now

4. Enter your PIN and phone verification number

When your earnings reach the verification threshold, we'll mail a Personal Identification Number to the payment address in your account. You'll need to enter this PIN into your account before we can send any payments to you. Your PIN will be sent by standard post and will take 2-3 weeks to arrive.

Depending on your location, you may also be asked to verify your phone number. As part of this process, our system will call you at a pre-arranged time, and you'll be required to dial in a verification number that appears in your AdSense account.

5. Reach the payment threshold in earnings

When your total unpaid earnings reach the payment threshold, we'll send you a payment at the end of the next month. This threshold varies depending on the reporting currency in your account.

Let's say, for example, that the payment threshold for your account is US$100. In this case, if your total unpaid earnings reached $100 during January and you completed the 4 steps above, we would send you a payment at the end of February.

If your total unpaid earnings haven't yet reached the payment threshold, they'll roll over to the next month and accrue until they meet the threshold.

Payments are sent within approximately 30 days of the end of the month. See the timeline of our payment cycle in the Payment Timelines section below.

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Tracking Earnings

You can track your AdSense performance and earnings from the Reports tab of your account. The Reports tab includes two important sub-tabs: Overview and Advanced Reports, which will display day-to-day details about how much you're earning from AdSense. There's also important information included in the Payment History page, which is linked from the Overview as well as the My Account tab.

The Payment History page tracks the status of previously issued payments, as well as monthly account calculations. You can click the Earnings details link for any month to view your total earnings, as well as any adjustments made to your account. Once you've qualified for a payment, and your payment has been made, you'll see it listed on this page as Payment issued. Click on the link to see the payment details as well as the exchange rate used to calculate your local currency payment, if applicable.

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Payment Timelines or, "When am I paid?"

One of the most common questions we receive at AdSense support is, "when am I paid?" It's certainly an appropriate question, since you probably joined AdSense to earn money and not just because you like how pretty our ads are. So this section describes how the AdSense payment cycle operates throughout the month, to give you a good idea of when and how your payment will arrive.

Earnings calculated: On the last day of each month, our system identifies all accounts that have reached the payment threshold. All the accounts that have reached the threshold are then sent for approval. Within the first few days of the month, a link with specific earnings details will be posted to your Payment History page within the first few days of the month.

Payment issued: Within the next few weeks, a Payment issued line will be posted to your Payment History page, indicating your payment has been calculated. At this time, we'll have your payment processed and sent to you.

Payment arrives: The time it takes for your payment to arrive depends on form of payment you have selected.

  • Standard delivery checks: generally arrive within 1-2 weeks of the mailing date in the U.S.; outside of the U.S. typically arrive in 2-3 weeks.
  • Secure Delivery checks: generally arrive in 5-7 days.
  • EFT payments: should arrive in your bank account within 2-4 days.
  • Western Union Quick Cash payments: available for pick-up at a local agent the following day.
  • Rapida payments: available for pickup at your local post branch two business days after they are sent.

If there are any problems with your payment, a notice will be posted on your Payment History page. If you haven't received your payment by the 25th of the next month, you can request a reissue.

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Holding Payments

If you'd prefer not to receive payments for a while, we're happy to hold payments for you. Just set up a payment self-hold in your account.

Setting a hold will stop payments and your account will continue to accrue earnings. After you remove your hold, we'll send you a single consolidated payment for all your unpaid earnings. To set or remove a hold, follow these instructions.

Please note that all changes to your hold preferences should be made by the 15th of the month. Changes made to these settings after the 15th of the month may apply to either the current or next payment cycle.

Google Adsense - The Easiest Money To Make Online?

Do you believe google adsense affiliate is the easiest money to make online? in recent years maybe yes,the rival is still less not like now to make money with google adsense,you should give your whole time and concentration and so focus if you want to make big money with adsense unless if you just need $5/day you don't need it. with many competitor now, you should be more creative and doing more hard working. write articles is other most important things to do.

For the last couple of months, Google Adsense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that Google Adsense have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to making money online.

The key to success with Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.

With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instant hit.

For some who are just new to this market, it would be a blow to their pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhere in the little ads promoting other people’s services. But then, when they get the idea that they are actually earning more money that way, all doubts and skepticism is laid to rest.

There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful webmaster and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.

1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks. It also means more money for you.

2. Placing Adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing Adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites. Tricky, but effective nonetheless.

When learned to work effectively, these two factors are actually a good source of producing a minimal amount of revenue from a high traffic page. Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free content to their visitors. Now they can gain a monetary return on their services.

With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that Google is trying everything to update and polish their Adsense in order to maintain their good image.

The possibility of adding is 2nd tier in Adsense is not impossible. With all the people spending more time in their Adsense now and still more getting into this line of marketing, there is no doubt about the many new improvements yet to be made. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the webmasters and publishers all around the world if ever they sign up for sub-affiliates and double or even triple the amount that they are already earning.
The one particularly handy money-making feature that is available with Adsense now is the ability to filter out up to 200 urls. These gives webmasters the option to block out low value offers from their pages as well as competitors to their websites. Talk about taking only those that are advantageous and discarding the ones that seem “useless”.

With Google Adsense, the possibilities are limitless. Yet there is also the possibility of someone taking advantage of the easy money process that this internet marketing is doing. If you think more about it, these negative factors may force Google to break down and thrash Adsense in the process. If that happens, people would have to go back to the old ways of internet marketing that does not make money online as easy as Adsense.

For now, however, Google Adsense is here to stay. As long as there are people wanting to earn some easy cash online just using their talents, the future ahead is looking good. Besides with all the strict guidelines that Google is enforcing over Adsense, it will take awhile for the Adsense privileges to be spammed and even terminated. be careful, don't get caught with google adsense because remember, this is whole life earning online. you money like a machine give you some bucks and chicken stick after you've done hard work. and you just to control it and see your earning reports.


Don't Get Caught With Google Adsense Click Fraud

if you are making money wit Google Adsense affiliate , sure you do not want your account being banned by google. learn how to avoid getting your adsense banned is very important. if not, don't cry if you account in danger. many people out there get rich with google adsense.
Many web site owners are getting their google adsense account terminated when they have done nothing wrong to deserve the punishment. Considering the money that they are getting from Adsense, they would certainly want to get back into it.

Considering the money to be made with Adsense, it is no wonder that they would want to get back into it.

It is that same consideration why the Google Adsense click fraud is thought of and why many people are getting into it.

Click fraud is the act of clicking on ads for the purpose of costing the advertiser money. It is simply the same as paying out cash for false leads. Many people website owners are aware of this fraud and are sharing the same sentiment that this is the one big problem that Adsense is facing.

How do you prevent being involved in this fraud?

Majority of web hosts are offering access logs. Once this is offered to you, it is necessary that you hand it over to Google as well. This allows them to look for any suspicious activity on your site. Problems like this are very serious and giving it to them is saying that you would want to help them in any way you can in solving the problem.

It can also help if you have a click monitoring software. If you do not have one yet, you should try and get one. There is absolutely no major factor preventing you from having one because most of this software is free.

As usual, all the information you have received should be turned over to Google. This is showing Google that you too are fighting against click frauds and is in no way a part of it.

Study your server logs and watch for any activity that seems suspicious. Report anything that you may find odd, may it big or small thing.

You may want to consider disabling ads for your own IP address and local geographic area. This will certainly prevent accidents and will not make Google mistake another user as you. You can do through a htaccess file. This will avoid Google mistaking as clicking on your own ads and be kicked out because of it.

Keep your Adsense off on pop ups and pop unders. Your ads should not be displayed on content sites that promote illegal activity or tampering of the legal rights of other people or business. Included in this are the content that is considered adult and gambling ones. If you think that you may be breaking this rule, immediately remove your content or Adsense from the web page.

Be truthful and confess up to Google about times when you might have clicked on your own as, whether accidentally or intentionally. Or the times when you have done something that is against the Terms of Service that they are implementing. Be honest about anything that you may have done that is wrong. Confessing is way better than Google learning about it eventually. It would mean eventual termination and no getting back what you have worked so hard for.

Do not tell your family or friends about Adsense on your website. Chances are they may start clicking on them to help you make money without you knowing it. They may be doing more harm to you than help by trying it in the first place.

If ever someone you know chanced upon your Adsense, make sure they understand that they cannot click on your ads under any circumstances. It would be wise to brief them on important things about Adsense and what not to do with them.

Most pay per click networks have different measures in hand to protect website owners against click frauds. Other search engines can track more than 50 data points, IP address, browser’s information, user’s session info and pattern recognition. They also have “systems” available that detects fraud. Not to mention the specialized teams monitoring how things are going and helping advertisers stop click frauds.

Google offers suggestion on how to avoid click fraud. Using “negative keywords” can be used to keep your Adsense showing on products and services that are in no way related to yours. Adding tracking URLs to your links so you can track the traffic coming from Google.

Do not be caught in the Google click fraud. Be aware and be wary.
i hope you can make big money online with adsense and so do i, i hope can make big dollar from adsense.


inséreuse adsense ypn sur site joomla

l'insereur adsense et ypn () est un composant plugin joomla open source, qui est capable d'inserer automatiquement les annonce google adsense ou yahoo publisher network(YPN) dans vos contenu et articles, ce n'est pas important si vous avez un ou 1000 articles, il insert ces annonces automtiquement, vous pouvez controlez touts les aspet de vos annonce positionnement, affichage.
vous spécifier just les couleurs et les position dans les option de votre plugin; vos annonces adsense ou ypn sont automatiquement générés, et inserés.
ne demande pas de travail manuel.
les code adsense ou ypn sont inserés dans les nouveut et anciens articles.
vous pouvez optionelment spécifier la dat d'affichage et la durrée.
positionnement aléatoire pour une lmeilleur visibilité.
le nombre d'impressione de vos annonces adsesne ou ypn par jours.
en un clique vous pouvez desactiver tout vos annobnces adsense ou ypn.
facile a installer.
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encadrer un tableau par du css

la methode la plus simple pour arrondire un tableau ou l'encadrer par des images des coins est la suivante:
1- html:
cree un tableau comme ce si
<table><tr><td>ggfgd.....</td></tr></table> .....................(a)
cree un autre tableau comme suit:

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">















entre les deux balise (b), mettez votre tableau (a).

maintenant le css:
il vous faut 8 images.
vous allez les nommer come suite:
hg.gif.............................(coin haut a gauche)
hd.gif.............................(coin haut a droite)
bg.gif.............................(coin bas a gauche)
bd.gif............................(coin bas a droite)
h.gif..............................(l'image qui relie les deux coins du haut et du bas horisentalement)
g.gif..............................(l'image qui relie les deux coins du haut et du bas verticalement)

2- le css:

pour les quatres coin ajouter dans la balis <td "> par <td style=" background:url(l'url de votre image |hg.gif ou hd.gif ou bg.gif ou bd.gif|); ">
pour les autres balise td................. (suite dans l'article suivant....)

solution pour Internal Server Error du au .htaccess

des fois quand vous voulez faire une reecriture d'url "url rewriting", le fichier .htaccess pose des probleme dans certians hébergeur en affichant l'erreur 500 "Internal Server error"
alors il vous suffit parfois et je dit bien parfois de commencer votre fichier .htaccess par:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

moovla pour joomla 1.5 configuration reussie

si vous avez un site joomla 1.5 sur un serveur et vous voulez le transférer vers un autre serveur.
ou si vous avez installer votre joomla 1.5 x sur un serveur localer et vous souhaiter le transferer vers votre hébergeurs.
la solution et le script moovla mais pour joomla 1.5
voila le lien:


How To Avoid Getting Your Adsense Account Terminated

ADsense is a big opportunity to make money online, this is teally simple and power for begginer to make money online. so if you don't ye make money online with google adsense, i just want to say ! yoou loose some passive income for life. so how much can i make with google adsense it's all depend on your effort to do that's hard work. when you have a google adsense account keep in mind you must avoid getting your adsense account terminated.

Google, being the undisputable leader in search engines from then until now, is placing a high importance on the quality and relevancy of its search engines. Most especially now that the company is public property. In order to keep the shareholders and users of its engines happy, the quality of the returned results are given extreme importance.

For this same reason, doing the wrong things in the Adsense and other forms of advertisements, whether intentionally or unintentionally, will result in a severe penalty, may get you banned and even have your account terminated. Nothing like a good action taken to keep wrongdoers from doing the same things over again.

So for those who are thinking of getting a career in Adsense, do not just think of the strategies you will be using to generate more earnings. Consider some things first before you actually get involved.

Hidden texts. Filling your advertisement page with texts to small to read, has the same color as the background and using css for the sole purpose of loading them with rich keywords content and copy will earn you a penalty award that is given to those who are hiding links.

Page cloaking. There is a common practice of using browser or bot sniffers to serve the bots of a different page other than the page your visitors will see. Loading a page with a bot that a human user will never see is a definite no-no. This is tricking them to click on something that you want but they may not want to go to.

Multiple submissions. Submitting multiple copies of your domain and pages is another thing to stay away from. For example, trying to submit a URL of an Adsense as two separate URL’s is the same as inviting trouble and even termination. Likewise, this is a reason to avoid auto submitters for those who are receiving submissions. Better check first if your domain is submitted already an a certain search engine before you try to submit to it again. If you see it there, then move on. No point contemplating whether to try and submit there again.

Link farms. Be wary of who and what are you linking your Adsense to. The search engines know that you cannot control your links in. But you can certainly control what you link to. Link farming has always been a rotten apple in the eyes of search engines, especially Google. That is reason enough to try and avoid them. Having a link higher than 100 on a single page will classify you as a link farm so try and not to make them higher than that.

Page rank for sale. If you have been online for quite some time, you will notice that there are some sites selling their PR links or trading them with other sites. If you are doing this, expect a ban anytime in the future. It is okay to sell ads or gain the link. But doing it on direct advertisement of your page rank is a way to get on search engines bad side.

Doorways. This is similar to cloaking pages. The common practice of a page loaded with choice keyword ads aimed at redirecting visitors to another “user-friendly” page is a big issue among search engines. There are many seo firms offering this kind of services. Now that you know what they actually are, try to avoid them at all costs.

Multiple domains having the same content. In case you are not aware of it, search engines look at domains IP’s, registry dates and many others. Having multiple domains having the same exact content is not something you can hide from them. The same goes with content multiplied many times on separate pages, sub domains and forwarding multiple domains to the same content.

Many of the above techniques apply to most search engines and is not entirely for Google only. By having a mind set that you are building your Adsense together with your pages for the human users and not for bots, you can be assured of the great things for your ads and sites.

Not to mention avoiding the wrath of the search engines and getting your Adsense and site account terminated altogether.

so let's make money with google adsense with white way, and google adsense way.

lala moulati ana9a maghribia