
Google Adsense: $1,028,418.80 In One Month PART 1: THE PROOF

Google Adsense is a massive money making opportunity. In this video, I'm claiming to have made $1 Million from Adsense last month alone.

Yes - In just ONE single month. April 2008.

Google Adsense is a huge topic in the internet marketing forums. There are many strategies for maximizing your Adsense revenues, ranging from ad placement, ad block sizes, hotspots and colors.

If you want to know how I made this Google Adsense video, you need to watch right through until the end...and beyond!

Am I A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guru?

What Niches Am I Targeting?

Or...Am I Just A Faker?

Watch With Your Own Eyes. You Decide.


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lala moulati ana9a maghribia