Affichage des articles dont le libellé est alternatives to AdSense. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est alternatives to AdSense. Afficher tous les articles
Successes with Payloadz: How I did it
A blog visitor asked: "You said you got the response with just one post. Where in the world did you post to get the traffic?" in my earlier post Earn with Payloadz: Successes (click BACK button to get back to this page). The post referred to is PDF book "Blogger Tips and Tricks (click BACK button to get back to this page) was actually an experiment as I didn't really have a product that people is
Libellés :
affiliate programs,
alternatives to AdSense,
digital products
Best affiliate program ever
You can make a living online in various ways. Earning online as an affiliateEven if you have no products to sell, you can still make money online by becoming an affiliate of a merchant. Examples are Amazon for physical as well as digital (downloadable products), PayLoadz (for downloadable digital products only), etc. Many small operations also offers affiliate programs, but the majority uses the
Libellés :
affiliate programs,
alternatives to AdSense
Alternatives to AdSense: Summary
Since I am looking for alternatives to Google AdSense, and I have published various posts on such alternatives, I though it would be good to list them down in a single page and update the post as I find other alternatives. So here it is:Kontera KontentLinkPayLoadzHeliumFor seller of digital products as well as webmaster (bloggers are webmasters):PayLoadzText Link Ads(I didn't do very much but see
Text Link Ads: More successes
Got a notification of a Paypal payment from Text Link Ads informing me of a payment of $125. This is an increase from my previous 2 successes:Earn with Text Link Ads and Earn with Text Link Ads Part 2. Here is a screenshot of the notification of payment from Paypal (name blanked for privacy):This is all despite not doing very much as I am still concentrating on AdSense.
Earn with Text Link Ads Part 3
A reader read the post Earn with Text Link Ads Part 2 where I showed a sceenshot of my second payment from TLA and asked some questions in a comment which I think is better answered with a post. (BTW you can also read about my first payment in Earn with Text Link Ads.)How does Text Link Ads work and how do you generate from Text Link AdsYou earn from Text Link Ads 2 ways - through referrals and
AmaSenseAds sent me a payment today
Received a payment today from AmaSense Ads via Paypal. You can see a screenshot of the email notification of the payment below (name blanked out for security):All I did was put an AmaSenseAds skyscraper unit in the left sidebar of this post (visitors who click on the heading AmaSense Ads at the top of the skyscraper unit which is actually a hyperlink and then join AmaSense Ads, you get a referral
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