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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est traffic. Afficher tous les articles


Tips to get repeat visitor to your site

It is never easy when we talking a bout how to drive massive traffic and make them repeat to our site. this is some tips how to get repeat you google adsense site sure learning seo is important but doing some tips below it can help us :

1. the most important part is update frequently, try to add pages on your website freaquently. stagnart sites are dropped by some search engine and people.

2. try to make offer additional value on your website in example add affiliate link that sell some thing related to your topic.

3. add bookmark script that allow people bookmark your page on their pc.

4. add "recommend this site to a friend" so visitor can tell their friend if they do like your site.

5. brand your site so visitor will always remember how is your site. in example use consistent solors,logos, slogan, etc

6. add a FAQ page so if customers have some doubts in their firs visit it will resolve that doubts.

7 make sure that each page on your site has appropriate tittles and keywords so that visitor can find what their needs.

8.never spam a client like newsletters, etc

and many more but that is some from my tips how to make your visitor back to your site.


Blogger blogspot social bookmarks

Enlighten People:     

What is this? See four icons just above this line? This is it!

A lot of people asked me if I am familiar with any Blogger plug-in similar to Sociable for wordpress. Unfortunately my answer was always no. There are however tools to implement social bookmarks in Blogger but either they redirect you to another site or are just those one-button-wonders which never works as imagined.

Long story short; here is my javascript version with currently only four social networks but more will be added depending on interest shown by You dear visitor :).

How to use it? Copy link of your post in url field and press socialize!


copy/pasta below in front or at the end of your post:

 pretext (optional)

 url (it's a must)

 title (if none script will assign an appropriate one)



Get Site Traffic

Enlighten People:     

It's simple. The more people that come to your site, the more chances you have of them clicking an advert and therefore more money for you. Also, Google Adsense's CPM - Cost per thousand impressions ads generate money for you with every impression so the more the better. Traffic = good. But what are the best ways of getting traffic?

Search engines:
That's the way most people find websites. They search for them. Try SEO - Search Engine Optimization and keyword targeting. If you manage to make it to the top 5 or so results on Google for a certain search you are likely to get quite a bit of traffic on those pages (depending on the content). Of course, don't just sit there. Submit your site to Google, MSN Search (beta) and Yahoo!

Put your address in your email signature. Put it on all of your forum posts. Basically, link to your site everywhere. This is a sure fire way of getting a temporary (small) rush of traffic and increases your page rank.

Write or do something amazing and get noticed. Try and get your site featured on a popular site such as Slashdot. This brings in a surge of traffic and gets your site noticed. Be careful though - if you have a site that only generates small amounts of clicks and one day you get a barage of them, Google AdSense may ban you.

Get them back + Keep it real:
Make sure to update content regularly. Once a person has visited your site they often come back a bit later. If they notice that nothing has really changed they may not bother anymore. Offer RSS and email updates so that you keep your visitors. Also, the more you update, the more often the search engines will index your site.

Of course, if you have poor content, your traffic level will not make so much of a difference to your income. Use channels to track your AdSense income for different sections and page impressions. Get earning.

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