
Google AdSense

Google AdSense is the way forward for web masters! Web masters all over the world are earning an income, and in some cases a HUGE income from AdSense.

Let me get down to explaining how AdSense works and the basics of what you should know before starting out. Google AdSense in a nutshell is being payed to have adverts on your website. However, you are only paid when the adverts is clicked. So who pays me? Well Google is advertising through your website on behalf of other businesses who in return get new customers. Google receives money from these businesses, takes a percentage out for themselves and gives the rest to you.

How much will i be paid per click? Well, this varies depending on the advert clicked. Adverts on webpages are automatically made to relate to the webpages content and if the contents 'keyword' is valuable then you will be paid more per click.

How do i know if AdSense is right for me? Well, only you can judge this really, but take into considoration these things: How many visitors your website gets daily? What type of adverts will be shown on your page? (Relating to expensive or cheap keywords from your content) Will enough people stop, look and click on the adverts on your type of webpage? How much money are you planning on making? (Allot of people only want enough to pay off their hosting bills, some people are living a life of luxury because they are making so much money from AdSense)

Can anyone apply to AdSense? Google has some terms and conditions such as no pronographic websites, no weapon websites, no drug websites and no gambling websites. Google will also review your website before you are an AdSense member. If you are rejected then look at what they have criticized about your site and try to fix it.

Want to find out more about Google AdSense? Then check out my website: Google AdSense guides and tips

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Powell

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